Here are the reservation steps if you are a pastor, missionary, or parachurch staff member:

1. Personally affirm these basic Christian truths:

  • The Bible is God’s inspired Word. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21)

  • There is one God who is a trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 29:19; 1 Peter 1:2; John 14:26)

  • We are saved from our sins by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross. (John 14:6; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24)

  • Jesus rose bodily from the dead. (Mark 16:6; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8)

  • Jesus will one day return. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Revelation 19:11-20)

    Since we believe the Bible defines marriage, we respectfully request that all couples staying at Peace or Rest Haven be a biological man and a biological woman legally married. (Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 5:22-21)

2. Check out the calendars below to see what’s available at Peace Haven and Rest Haven.

Booking information:

  • Stays can be from two nights to two weeks.

  • Crisis stays may be extended upon request and availability.

  • Generally, guests may stay once a year.

  • If the dates you desire are unavailable, we encourage you to apply for a reservation anyway. We often have beautiful guest homes available on Camano Island.

3. Email Peace Haven Ministries at with the following information: (Copy and paste the from below into your email, then fill it in and send it to us.)

  • Your name:

  • Email:

  • Mobile Phone #:

  • What house are you requesting?

  • Who will be staying with you? (include ages of children):

  • Dates you are requesting:

    • Arrival date:

    • Departure date:

  • What is your ministry position?

  • What is the name of your church, missionary society, or parachurch organization? (Please include website address.)

  • Are you serving or retired through Village Missions? (The cleaning fee is waived.)

  • Are you a foreign missionary on furlough? (The cleaning fee is waived.)

  • Is your stay a part of a getaway/vacation? (The cleaning fee is $90 for Peace Haven and $180 for Rest Haven.)

  • Are you coming for crisis help? (The cleaning fee is waived so you can apply your savings toward receiving counseling while you are here. Our Peace Haven counselors will also give you a generous discount.)

  • Have you stayed at Peace or Rest Haven before? If so, when?

  • How did you learn about Peace Haven Ministries?

  • Will you need our portable disability ramp for the outside stairs?

  • Would you like to be added to our Peace Haven Newsletter email list?

4. Wait for our reply to your email with further information.

For availability at POMME DE TERRE LAKE HOUSE, MISSOURI, email Steve Booth at This retreat option includes extensive counseling.